23 January 2011

Pay it Forward

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

I saw this on Linz's blog and thought it was such a lovely idea.

I promise something handmade to the FIRST 5 people who leave a comment here. However, to be eligible, you must repost this status, offering something handmade to 5 other people. The rules are that it must be handmade (or homemade) by you and it must be sent to your 5 people some time in 2011. Ready, set, GO!

So as promised I will also share the love and send something I have handmade to the first five people who are kind enough to comment on this post.  You should then do the same and pay forward to another five people during 2011 either through your blogs, facebook or by sharing with your family and friends.

Marisa xx


  1. What a lovely idea! No need to pay it forward to me as you've already done that many times before hun, looking forward to seeing you soon xx

  2. 'Tis a lovely idea Missy Maris. I think I will have to set up a little blog of my own at some point. When I do I will do this myself! Have a few things i've made that i would like your ideas on too so will bring them in for you soon. Talk to you soon, hope you're havin a lovely weekend xxx

  3. It's a great idea Marisa... I have posted one on my Facebook page too :)
